pdaXrom team

LiliTun VPN

The idea of creating LiliTun VPN came to us while staying in China, which is famous for its controlled Internet and the Great Firewall of China (GFW). Having experienced all the charms of the Chinese Internet and tried out ready-made solutions, we came to the conclusion that the best option would be to develop our own VPN using the experience gained.
The project was named LiliTun - abbreviations lil - little and tun - tunnel, because initially the code size did not exceed two kilobytes! A little tunnel, but not only. The word Lilit is a name, and Tun is a house/home in Armenian. Therefore, it can be deciphered as both Lilith's house and a little house. In turn, one of the decryptions of the name Lilith, a play on words meaning "night spirit". This of course does not mean that the VPN can only be used at night!

Official site www.lilitun.net